

Jul 05, 2023

Build Your Own FPV Tank the Size of a Toddler's Fist

FPV (first-person view) systems are common in the world of RC (radio control) vehicles and drones. These systems put a small camera on the vehicle and transmit the video signal to a receiver, so the pilot can see from the vehicle's perspective. That is helpful for many tasks and downright crucial for others. And thanks to advances in miniaturization and the development of MEMS (micro-electromechanical systems), FPV transmitters now come in very small packages. You can follow this tutorial to take advantage of that to create an FPV tank the size of a toddler's fist.

This tank may be tiny, but it is completely functional. The user has full control over its movement and can view the video stream coming from the camera, allowing for FPV operation. And it is also very affordable to build, because it uses inexpensive components and doesn't require a dedicated RC receiver or video monitor. Instead, the user controls the tank with their smartphone. The smartphone app includes a live view of the camera feed and digital touchscreen controls for forward/backward movement, rotation, and gradual turns. That is a web app self-hosted by the tank, so it should be accessible from any device with a web browser.

The tank's brain is a Seeed Studio XIAO ESP32S3 Sense development board, which comes with the camera module you'll use for the FPV system. Power comes from a small 240mAh lithium battery. The development board controls the two drive motors, which are tiny 6mm coreless motors, through a DRV8833 motor driver board. The tank's body is 3D-printable and two rubber bands act as the tracks.

The software is straightforward and all you need to do is use the Arduino IDE to install the provided software. The only change necessary is entering your Wi-Fi information, so the development board can connect to your network. It might be possible for the tank to broadcast its own Wi-Fi network, but that would limit the range.

You should be able to build this little tank for well under $40, which makes it a perfect project for young makers.